Fertility Promotion / Infertility Support





To Your  Fertility Promotion and Infertility Support Page.

If you are the 1 out of 8- 9 couples who is enduring your ride on the infertility merry- go round; know that this is the place where you can:

  • gain clarity and support about what are your authentic next steps on your fertility promotion path
  • reclaim trust in your body’s ability to conceive and carry your baby to full term:
  • connect with and include your spirit baby into your fertility journey.


Whether You are:

  • Confused by all of the different advice from your various “infertility” providers don’t know who or what to trust?
  • Struggling to be pregnant, and the grief you feel with each month’s negative test is tearing you apart
  • Someone who prefers to approach your health care decisions as naturally as possible and are confused about how to balance that with becoming pregnant-
  • Each month physically feeling pregnant, but your pregnancy tests come up negative. You know you are conceiving but it is not sticking but part of you starts to wonder if you are imagining it all?
  • Tired of leaving your Reproductive Endocrinologist’s office feeling unheard, confused, and needing to go straight to the internet in order to understand your next steps.
  • Feeling pressured by your Reproductive Endocrinologist “to just go for the IVF” or even donor egg IVF, and knowing deep down in your bones that is not your answer or your path?
  • Strongly aware of the presence of you baby spirit around you , and wondering if he/ she will ever arrive?


Whatever your unique story may be; this is a place where you can experience concrete and compassionate support as you discover your answers and next steps on your path of expanding your family.  Since 1996, I have been integrating my distinctive, rich clinical background and skill sets as; a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Midwife and a provider of Birth Intuitive™  services, to support women and their families as they navigate their fertility path towards expanding their family.


Taking Your “IN out of INFertility”

You might have noticed that I avoid using the term infertility support.

An essential point I make with each client is the importance of taking the word, belief, and concept “infertility” out of their mind, heart, vocabulary and actions.

Our bodies will comply with the language and beliefs we feed them. Therefore, if we are constantly barraging ourselves with; being infertile, going to the infertility specialist, or  infertility support group; our bodies will listen and continue to act on what we tell it. As a result, I prefer to use the word Fertility Promotion. Here is a link to an entire article I wrote about this.


You are Not Alone, and There is HOPE!

I often compare how I support my Fertility Promotion Clients to that of a “river guide”. As your guide, I understand the overall terrain of the fertility journey. My job is to support you, in cultivating your unique resources for your individual needs. As this guide, I share an assortment of empowering and individualized mind /body and spiritually based information and techniques.

My work will enable you to tap into, listen to, and trust your body’s knowledge and wisdom in order to cultivate a cooperative healing relationship between your body, mind and spirit.

What is most unique about my approach, is that we will include your baby spirit into your assessment and conversation. After all, this is the life force you are inviting to join your family. Just because we cannot physically see them, does not mean that he/she does not have particular desires, preferences or requests about what he/she may need to come in and to stay. Many times, the spirit baby’s input is the final piece to solving a fertility promotion puzzle.


Create your Road Map to Your Baby with a Fertility Promotion Assessment Session

  • fertility-promotion-infertility-support-birth-intuitive-egg-journeyLearn and Apply mind/body/spiritual based Fertility Promotion skills and stress reduction tools
  • Integrate mind/body/spiritual tools as resource during fertility promotion procedures
  • Cultivate and Trust your intuition
  • Incorporate your intuition into your decision making process
  • Nourish and Nurture your relationship during your fertility journey

How Can a  Fertility Promotion Assessment Help Me Get Pregnant?

The Fertility Promotion Assessment is an integrated Body, Mind/Spirit tool I have developed to use with Fertility Promotion clients. This tool allows us to clarify and co- create your concrete next steps on your fertility promotion journey.

I see myself as your fertility detective. I search for the issues that are saying no to your hearts desire. I always begin any assessment with the question “ At the end of this 90 minutes what will you leave wanting to know, feel or experience?
From there, we move on to the Body, Mind and Spirit aspects of the assessment.



A Second Pair of  Knowing Eyes…

My western medical training as a Masters Prepared Nurse Midwife, provides me with the skill and knowledge base to assess your fertility medical care. As your second pair of eyes, I double check the results of all of your procedures and lab work. I also provide feedback and recommendations about additional testing. I do all of this plain understandable English.

In addition, I will also explore ask questions and explore areas that may be the cause of  your  “in”fertility that many Western Doctors don’t pursue. Some of these areas include but are not limited to; auto immune, thyroid, dental, toxin exposure and nutrition.

Serving an international client base lends me a viewpoint of Western Medical fertility approaches and treatments from all over the world. As a result, All of my Fertility Promotion clients benefit from this informative perspective.



Fertility Promotion and Stress Reduction…

Research has shown that mind/body relaxation tools can increase fertility success rates by 30%

Have you ever been given the advice, just go home and relax- and you will get pregnant? Yet, no one shows you how to promote daily relaxation habits.

During your Fertility Promotion Session you will quickly and easily learn simple mind/body relaxation techniques. These tools will support you to understand and to shift your belief systems around fertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and becoming a mother or father. You may not realize this, but we form the beliefs that create the blueprint for our lives by time we are just 4 or 5 years of age!

This is especially important for clients with an “unexplained infertility” diagnosis.  Often the clue to what is saying no lies in understanding your beliefs and imprinting.



Connecting with Your Spirit Baby…

During  your Fertility Promotion Assessment Session, in addition to learning how to connect with your incoming spirit baby, you will also learn some easy to learn intuition games. These games are designed to support you in learning how to listen to and to trust your intuition. Therefore allowing you to clarify, what next steps will work best for you.


YOUR NEXT STEPS….Dani-Stites-sunlight-on-path-fertility-promotion-infertility-support

Your Fertility Promotion Assessment ends with a review of your next concrete steps, For your body, mind and spirit.

If so desired, and where it is appropriate, I can coordinate your care with your other care providers

You will receive a recording of your session. This will allow you to go back to review your information, meditations and to better understand your personalized next steps.


How A Fertility Promotion Session Can Help You Understand Your Next Steps, While Saving you Time and Money

My unique skill set saves my clients time and money.

After a session, it is not unusual for a Fertility Promotion client to decide to prune their supplement list.  For many clients, the savings from those supplements actually pays for their Fertility Promotion Assessment.

For many of my clients, working with me is a luxury extra in their lives, that they quickly come to appreciate and deeply value. My clients share with me, that the peace of mind and clarity they obtain from their sessions, reduces their worries about making the right choices for themselves and decreases their overall stress.
I often hear that “I am worth every penny”.

Clearly knowing what your next steps are, will allow you to seek care from the provider( s) who will be most cost-effective for you and your road map.

You will leave your appointment with concrete next steps and questions to ask your health care provider. With a signed release, I can coordinate your care plan with your other care providers. Many clients share with me that time they spend with me not only gives them peace of mind, but it actually saves them money.


I Would Love to Connect with my Baby Spirit Being

But I am Afraid, I won’t be Able!

If You are Questioning “Can I Do This”? Know that my focus and joy, as a provider of Birth IntuitiveTM counseling, is to empower you to trust your inner wisdom and intuition. Using simple, concrete, fun and easy to adapt, tools and games; I support you in gaining skill and confidence in your ability  to connect and communicate with your unborn baby. This approach enables you, my client to understand and to trust using your individual intuitive language. These tools are fun, easy to play games.

Clients who have connected with their children before conceiving report a special bond with their baby and body during pregnancy, labor, birth and beyond.

Clients often gain a clear understanding of their next steps from their connection and communication with their baby spirit.

During a Fertility Promotion session you will easily learn  how to connect with your incoming spirit baby being and understand how to attune your body to that being’s energy signature. You will discover these tools as concrete, empowering and fun



When Teresa worked with us on retreat, I was AMAZED it how closely her work resonated with our own. She was able to work with couples at any stage of their fertility process, and help them create an opening to their future families. TERESA EMPOWERS women from their true source of power, their spirit.

Randine Lewis, L.Ac., Ph.D. author of “The Infertility Cure”


 Understand and Be Empowered by YOUR FERTILITY !

I can assist you to dive deeply to better understand not only what you have to do to become a mother – but how to resonate and to be in order to create your hearts desire– the creation of your family!

Since 1996, I have been empowering my clients in person, nationally and internationally; supporting them in connecting and communicating with their spirit baby.

Together, with the tools of mind/body relaxation techniques and connecting with your spirit baby, you will be empowered as you co-create your miracle– your pregnancy.

I look forward to joining you on your journey!

 Here are some tools and information you might find useful along your way.




In Person, or Long Distance Intuitive Counseling Available

OR CALL HER at 303-258-3904


ARTICLES  about Fertility Promotion


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  • Intro to Before you Start Trying



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