Baby Agreement Article


Understanding your Baby Agreement

by Teresa Robertson, RN, Certified Nurse Midwife, MS, Birth Intuitive™

Once a parent has cultivated some confidence and trust in their ability to connect with or to perceive the spirit of their unborn child; curiosity arises about who this being is. Some of the first questions that arise from this curiosity usually focus on the baby agreement, or contract between the parent(s) and the baby spirit.
Some common questions that emerge when exploring and illuminating the essence of an
baby agreement/contract between a parent and their unborn baby spirit include:

  •  Why did you choose us/me as your parent?;
  • What is it that you have come to learn from us‐ what do we need to be teaching or exposing you to?;
  •  What are we going to be learning or getting exposed to from you?;
  •  How do you feel about your sibling(s)? ;
  •  How will you get along with your sibling(s)?.

Often, the answers, perceptions—or themes derived from these questions often overlap and correlate with your developing understanding about your child’s life purpose.Common questions used to understand life purpose include:

  • What skills, activities, strengths, goals—do you hope to learn, teach, accomplish or strength in this lifetime?:
  •  Why are you choosing to incarnate at this time?:
  •  What is your life purpose in incarnating?

Baby Agreements/contracts vary from baby spirit and pregnancy and between each parent involved with the pregnancy.

It is not unusual for one parent to have a very strong agreement with an incoming baby spirit. I often will describe the baby agreement/contract in terms of a percentage portion ‐ For example mom 80% and the dad 20%.

This does not mean that the parent with the 20% baby agreement will not love or feel connected to this child. What it most likely does mean is that the parent with the 80% portion of the baby agreement very well may have a strong experience of deep knowing and familiarity with this being.

Often when an baby agreement is weighted more with one parent, the being has been hanging around that parent for a period of time. I have witnessed this pattern often with women and incoming baby girl spirits.

Sometimes, in the case of a single mother or a mother using an anonymous sperm donor that baby agreement may be 90‐100% with the mother. Or the baby agreement may be with another significant member of the mother’s environment ‐for example a grandparent or aunt. Or the being may have an agreement with someone who in the future will become a significant part of that family system such as a future step‐ parent or caretaker.
Living in the time of increasing donor pregnancies and adoptions raises additional unique questions about agreement/contracts. It is my experience that biology does not dictate or mandate an agreement/contract.

I have seen this quite vividly with adoptive parents. Carol’s first adoptive child found her before she was even registered with an adoption agency. Carol learned about her daughter’s birth mom’s desire to relinquish her, via a neighbor who knew a friend who was connected with the birth mother. While connecting with this unborn child during the pregnancy, it was crystal clear that this baby was adamant that Carole and her husband Ted were her parents. Likewise, the biological mom remained unwavering in her belief they were the parents of the baby she was carrying. In all my years witnessing the adoption/relinquishment process I never saw an adoption unfold so

I have also observed with women carrying a “donor egg” pregnancy, that the primary agreement with the baby being is with them and their partners/ husbands. For some women, their choice to pursue the route of a “donor egg” pregnancy reflects, supports, and reinforces the mother’s life purpose of completing an unhealthy multi‐generational pattern, such as a psychiatric, abuse or addiction pattern.

This kind of baby agreement between that baby spirit being and that mother demonstrates how an baby agreement can dovetail with someone’s life purpose. In this case, the baby being’s agreement with the mother to incarnate with a different genetic background than the mother coincides with her life purpose of “this unhealthy family pattern ends with me”.

There are some couples for who the foundations of their coming together in relationship, is their agreement/contract with a particular baby spirit ‐ to bring in and to parent him/her. What results in these situations, is the primary relationship that remains for them is as parents. Consequently, their romantic relationship may change or dissolve.

Currently, common baby agreement/contract themes involve the embodiment and expression offreedom. These beings‐ I am calling them freedom fighters, often illuminate in their and their parent’s lives where there is a constraint of freedom. Clearing out the debris or obstacles to incarnating and living freedom is not always a comfortable process.

One of my clients became very aware of that dynamic with her baby very early in her pregnancy. Her son’s approach to obstacles or change was like the power of a waterfall and her approach was more like a gentle babbling stream. It became abundantly clear to her, that in order to feel comfortable with this baby in her physical body, she had to move up her response and approach to her fears and to change. He had no patience for her circling around a problem or issue endlessly. He wanted her to get to the heart of the matter and move through decisively, in neutrality‐ free of fear and self doubt to the next place. As a result, following her path to embodying freedom (her growing baby) provided her countless lessons in courage, resilience and strength‐‐thereby her learning to step into and to own her power.

This mother was not at the mercy of her adventurous, determined, and powerful child. Rather, she had invited this baby spirit and had agreed to this energetic and powerful experience in order to shift her tendency both as a soul personality and as a body type to procrastinate and to dawdle. For her, learning how to trust her ability to connect with her baby in utero and, once he was born, enabled her to release any resistance, fear, or resentment of this process, thereby allowing her to join with her son in his emanation of freedom.

Cultivating their connection, allowed her to consciously participate with him and to work in cooperation with her process and to modulate and to give him feedback when he was moving too fast.

Another role I have witnessed of these freedom fighter beings is that of a peacemaker, in preparation for becoming a future world leader. One being is preparing for this role by choosing parents with similar soul essences but who were raised and socialized with different belief systems. This child chose this couple for itself in order to refine his role as ambassador or peacekeeper‐ a world leader in training. The place where their agreement and his life purpose intersect is that his presence creates a common bridge of connection for his parents, whom beneath their outer differences share a strong and deep bond of love. Parenting this being, creates the opportunity for the parents to create a conduit of harmony and synergy in their relationship.

Many baby spirits from pregnancies of loss have contracts/agreements to be teachers or change agents. Their coming and unexpected and heartbreaking leaving in some way often prepares their parents for the baby being who will subsequently come and stay; or to elicit a change in their system so that being can come back to stay.

For many couples the busting open process of grief also creates for them the freedom to really step into what they desire and need and to integrate that into their lives. As a result, creating an act of stepping into and owning their power. So many children coming in do not want to be thwarted in the embodiment of their power. In doing so, the
parent’s experience of this really allows them to honor their future child’s needs and the ability to honor their agreement.


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